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Sunday 26 August 2018

Do We Need Desires? – (2582)

Thee Good Desires

We have desires, all sorts, yes we know, but there desires that we often ignore are those that are about us doing this or that for our apparent good.

These desires appear to be in place to improve our life but actually embitter our life and make our life much more stressful. Because we apply pressure on ourselves and we live life in the should and never being able to fulfill to should.

As a result we start to become disconnected from our life and we start to no live in our life. We live in the future and in frustration and in disappointment.

Those desires stop us from accepting and trusting our life. We think that we must be pushing ahead with things. Yes we can be but within what our very own precious life gives to us from moment to moment.

Accept and Trust

To accept and trust our life is conquer a bit of humility and some trust in our very own inner Being. Because it is our very own inner Being that sets up the didactic of learning in our life.

So much of what we think that we need for our own good, we don’t need at all. What we need our inner Being sets up for us to go through, to study, to learn, to experience etc.

If the impulses that surge in us are possible and achievable they can be done, and perhaps they have come to us as a message from our inner Being.

Definitely with these desires cleared away from our system we can be at more peace and live more in our actual and real life. Rather in the life that we desire and is currently not our life.

End (2582)

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