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Sunday 26 August 2018

Jealousy is about Quantifying or Qualifying Love – (2581)

Fall into Trouble

The trick with floating above the many jealous “I’s” that we have is to know that we are loved and that we love the person and most importantly to rest in that - DO NOT TRY TO QUANTIFY OR QUALIFY LOVE!

As soon as we go to try to qualify or quantify the love that the person has for us, we fall into lots of pain.

Pain arises because to try to qualify or quantify love is to fall into relativity and duality, and relativity  and duality (comparison) only brings pain. The consciousness is not pain because it is outside of relativity and duality.

We try to qualify or quantify pain because of fear. The mind looks for a way to relieve the fear and it can only do it through relativity. It has to try and compare love.

When the comparison measure results in our favour the mind is relieved and jealousy subsides. When the comparison result is not in our favour, jealousy goes into action, complaining, protesting and it engages all the various strategies that I wrote about in a previous post – which function all trying to make the comparison result come into our favour again.


We must allow our consciousness to relieve, cool down, assure, pacify or cause our whole psychology to be at peace. This comes to us when we know that we are loved and that we love and that we understand that the best thing to do is rest in that and not compare.

End (2581).

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