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Saturday 25 August 2018

Fear of Animals - (2579)

That Fear

So often you find a person who is scared of cockroaches, mice, rats, spiders, snakes, lizards, dogs, wolves, large cats and so on...

First Point

The very first point to work this fear of the animal or insect that we are scared of is, our dislike or rejection of it.

Have you noticed that the insect or animal that we fear we regard as something awful, cruel and almost evil? 

Firstly though, they are not evil, they are just instinctive. Well esoterically though they may, in the wash of involution be a vehicle for some "I's" that are very nasty. Though, we also have "I's" that are just as nasty. We do not regard ourselves or others as evil so why should we regard the animal that we fear as evil?

Secondly, we can look well at the animal and find beauty in it. A lizard may look like a walking pooh to us, and it is exactly that concept of it that contributes to our fear. So then if we can change that concept we will dissolve a good part of that fear.

So we have to go close to the insect or animal that we fear and take a good look at it. Say for example a lizard, see that it does not smell and it is alive, intelligent and has a very sleek and elegant body with some very interesting patterns on it. As soon as you see some beauty, some intelligence in its design something changes in us. We can read about the animal or insect and change our concept further and further and that will certainly contribute to dissolving our fear. 

There are those people on TV shows that are not scared of animals or insects mainly because they are in awe of them. Note, this fear of animals is called zoophobia.

Work on Fear Classically

Then to complete the work we must delve into the classical work on fear which is to see that we do not fear the animal or insect at all but the consequences of things going wrong when encountering them. Then the fear reduces down to the very common fear that we all work on which is the fear of pain and suffering and death. Then trust in the Being within comes as our remedy.

End (2579).

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