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Saturday 25 August 2018

The Esoteric Vestment - (2580)

A Vestment - A Tunic

A tunic is associated in nearly everyone's mind with something spiritual, religious or magical. All esoteric art depicts the Divine Hierarchies (angels, archangels, thrones, powers, dominions etc.) wearing a tunic or vestment of some sort. Even when God is depicted, God apart from being depicted as a 'He' (really God is Father-Mother), is depicted wearing a tunic, usually white in colour.


In the pure physical side of things we have clothes to protect us from the elements, and the type of clothing worn depends very much on the nature of the event we are present in. Much can be read from the way we are dressed and much can be transmitted to others etc.

We are not born clothed and to be clothed requires some merit and so clothing can denote nobility, authority, identification, function, role etc. giving clothing a kind of distinguishing and identifying function as well.

So, clothing protects and denotes the nature of human activity. A psychological use (provocation, protest, pride etc.) may also be made of clothing, which is another thing. Now - to what this post is really about.

Esoteric Vestment

Strictly in the realm of esotericism a vestment is considered to be a sheath, a coating, a covering that is the result of some labour and merit. A vestment in the esoteric sense as in the physical sense is something that has been added to our nature. Though esoteric vestments are those that pertain to our inner nature.

The solar bodies are considered to be a vestment of the soul. Just as our physical body is what houses our essence. By nature the essence is naked and what stops making a Monad a virginal spark (naked) are the solar bodies. Which are coverings that are made from increasingly superior and refined substances of the cosmos which have their source in our own sexual energy.

So then the vestments that are the solar bodies cover the soul and identify the Being possessing the solar bodies as one who is self-realised. 

Furthermore the vestment that the inner Being of anyone one of us may be seen to be wearing indicates: values, merits, ray, function, hierarchy, esoteric degree etc.

A vestment is a sign in the general sense, of esoteric and psychological work. It is the result of transmutation and it serves as a means of identification, as well as being the appropriate attire for esoteric or spiritual activity.

End (2580). 

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