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Thursday 9 August 2018

Flavour of the Vertical – (2544)


Sometime ago I wrote about the flavour of the horizontal line of life. Now here is a bit about the flavour of the vertical line.

The Opposite to the Horizontal

In-many ways it is the opposite of the properties of the horizontal line. So if we know the horizontal well we can get a whiff of the vertical, though as soon as we chose the vertical right now (it is only ever embraced by choice and only ever right now) we can taste its flavour.


So then that is its first flavour: a choice of being here now, that is being in the moment. Whereas the horizontal is being taken to the past and flung to the future. Often in the case of the past it is to regret, lament and feel pain and in the case of the future it is to dread, worry, fear, avoid, be concerned and dream with false hope wasting large quantities of needed psychic energy.

The vertical understands that the future is now and that the past is also now. In the sense that we make the future now and we are here the way that we are because of the past. In the now, past and future disappear, and from the now, a new future not dictated by the past can emerge. This new future is the fruit of the vertical line. Whereas the future on the horizontal line is dictated by the past.

It has the flavour of taking one’s life into one's hands. It is about taking a degree of responsibility over our inner life. That is, the vertical line carries the understanding that the causes of our sufferings are within.

It is about a line of inner growth (growth of essence), rather than a line of outer growth in personality (manners, style, house, car, income), mind and ego.

States of Consciousness

It is known with new states of consciousness. When we rise to a new state we know to some degree where we are and more closely where we have been, and we also know that there is infinitely more above. This is how we know the vertical. It is known and felt with inner change.

It is about states of consciousness, where each state of consciousness imparts clear knowledge and understanding of ourselves, as well as a new stretch of dominion over ourselves.

It is increasingly clear vision, extending further back (more understanding of our past) and further forward (closer to the consciousness where a new life begins).

No End

It is to rise above and out of time. There is no end to the vertical it extends infinitely upwards, while the horizontal starts and ends with the birth and death of our physical body.

It is knowing why things are happening in our life. Which is very different to not knowing and blaming God and others for what is happening... 

It carries the encouragement, conviction and determination as a principle that the mysteries of our life can be unravelled.

As we ascend we also descend into our depths, transforming the depths into light and this causes our ascent. In the horizontal there is decent but little transformation and little exaltation. At best there is descent, learning and plateaued exaltation – that is, a rise to a new level of Being and state of consciousness but then alas to then only stay there, waiting...

The line of continued upward movement is not part of the horizontal that belongs to the vertical.

No Waiting, No Not Knowing What to Do

In the horizontal line there is that waiting... All people old and young alike wait and wait because they do not know what to do next, or do not have anything to do... So they wait for whats next. Whereas the vertical shows what is next and there is always plenty to do in he work on ourselves...

It has a new perspective on life, it sees life as a means for inner growth.

It is to come to rely on inner sources such as: inner values and an inner identity as a base for our meaning, our happiness, our yearnings, our love etc. In the horizontal line of life there is only external reference points, approval seeking, what others do and say etc. etc. and our happiness is relative to these external reference points.

It is a line that encompasses an inner reference point, one that starts in the work then moves progressively inwards to the essence and later to the Being.

Three Stages of Progress

There is vertical movement which has three stages: conquer, assimilation and advance. These three stages are about moving to higher levels of the Being. A level of Being determines inner and outer circumstances of life.


The vertical is a reflecting affinity magnet. It brings to our life things, people and circumstances that are in tune with our level of the Being, and in that way the outer becomes a reflection of the interior.

The motto of the vertical is change the interior to affect an external change.

As our level of the Being changes our outer circumstances also change. Old people disappear and new people roll in.

The vertical works in a logical way by means of the law of affinity, correspondence and analogy. Whereas the horizontal is unusual as you may find the nicest person suffering the worst and a rotten person living it up.


It is balance, where the consciousness and wisdom to combine wisely the use of matter and the management of life to serve the spirit.

It has the flavour of being on top of life's circumstances or at least being in charge of one’s internal states in and during life's difficult and challenging moments.

It is not based on more and better.

It is where science and religion unite or where they are at least understood and seen to flow into and support one another. 

It has the use of sexuality that does not deplete and wear down the person, but rather enhance and dignify.

It is transcendental in flavour, nothing is left to us to become a limit. It proposes the liberation and surpassing of all conditions.

It is to daringly venture into ourselves to seek the transformation of darkness into light.

It is to taste and glimpse the unknown, making it known. It has surpassing the egoical limits of myself, my family, my group and embracing humanity in all its guises as a foundation.

It has the integration of ourselves, the conservation of energy, the accumulation of energy and values, and merits as a main property. Where as the horizontal is about burning, consuming all such values and merits through the continued outward focus directed into the pleasures of the senses.

It has the development of inner riches as the main consequence. Not the accumulation of money as the main hope and activity.

It is about freedom, the payment of karma and the cancelling of all debts.

It is to learn about the mysteries of life and death. Not to be scared or overwhelmed by them and think that they can never be known.

It is has sacrifice as the magic mechanism of creating the new.

The map is the tree of life and in the horizontal line, the map is the great Australian or American dream - a house, beautiful children, an attractive spouse, a boat, a barbeque etc.

It has reality as the connecting point to everything, work as the bridge to reality. Whereas the horizontal has fantasy and dreams as the connecting point as well as the escaping and entertaining point. The vertical is accept, see and be in reality, as this is where the real is, freedom is, the absence of pain is and where our life actually is.

The vertical has the inwardly revolutionary departure from beliefs and dogmas as its motto. Which in other words is awakening, which is to essentilly to see reality as it is.

End (2544).

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