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Thursday 9 August 2018

Two Masters – A Difficult Situation – (2543)


Sometimes this happens in life, we have two bosses, two leaders, two people giving instructions, two forces, two influences, two parents, etc. This is a bit of a pain especially when the instructions and priorities from each boss differ.

The worst thing though is when we have two bosses within us. Now this situation is more painful then having two external bosses, leaders, influences etc.

The Trouble

The trouble is the two different directions you are thrown in. They contradict and clash against each other and when you try to fulfill both dictates, what happens to you is that you always get terribly burnt out. Exactly as if you were a candle and you were being burnt at both ends. There will come a moment when you burn out or come very close to burning out, and ever so quickly too (a candle burning at both ends burns out doubly as quick - right) quicker than if you just followed one boss!

Master at the End of the Day

The best situation is to have only one boss. Both outside and inside. But more inside. The easy way to find your boss is to see who will be your boss at the end of the day.

For example, at work, we have our boss and then we have the client. At the end of the day our boss is our boss not the client. So, to keep our job and keep being paid and as long as everything is ethical we should choose our boss as our boss and forget about the client as being our boss.

So then inside of you who is your boss at the end of the day? Obviously, it is your Being! You are here because of your Being and when you go to the Absolute all that there will be for you is your Being! So we have to chose our Being, that is what makes sense! Life as our boss - forget it! Even more – two bosses forget that! Just one boss – the Being who teaches you to work!

End (2543).

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