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Tuesday 14 August 2018

How Many People are there in Australia that Met Master Samael in the Flesh? - (2550)



And what happens when they are no longer with us? Then that historic and special link to Master Samael will have gone and there will only be the internal connection that each one must seek out for themselves.

In some ways the teaching of Gnosis will suffer a little in the sense that the connection that really allowed these two people understand really what Master Samael meant in his writings and talks will be gone.

The worst is when though there are no more initiates and then the Gnostic teachings will really suffer, and the decline of the force of the teachings being alive in the people will begin. Because the animating force of the teachings in those who are living out the teachings will not be present until there are initiates again to vivify the teachings.

End (2550).

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