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Tuesday 14 August 2018

Viparita Karani Mudra – (2549)


Viparita Karani Mudra or Viparita Karnahi Mudra is a mudra or a pose or position, that is quite well known in yoga and is known among Gnostic students as ‘the wall.

It is a special position or mudra of which I hope to put forward in this post.

Essentially it is excellent in its ability to aid our rejuvenation, our healing and pay some of our karma.

Two Versions – Short and Long

Master Samael says that there is a short and a long version of the Viparita Karani Mudra, and it is the long version of the mudra is the one that in the strictest sense, is really the Viparita Karani Mudra.

Long Version – Transferring the Solar Atom and Lunar Atom

Master Samael says that the Viparita Karani Mudra is really the practice of transferring the solar atom which he says is Logoic (i.e. from the Kether, Chochmah and Binah) that currently resides in our solar plexus to our cerebral peduncle (in the cerebellum), and in turn transferring the lunar atom which currently resides in our cerebral peduncle to our solar plexus.

The seat of the human soul is the Hypothalamus - remember.
Master Samael says that because of this lunar atom in our brain, our mind is conditioned by lunar influences. In other words our mind thinks or processes itself entirely in relativity that is: taking things all in relation to ourselves. It also Master Samael says makes us to focus on matter, in the senses, which combined with taking things relative to ourselves makes us very lustful, greedy and selfish.

Master Samael says that when the logic solar atom from our solar plexus enters our brain our mind then comes to be governed by the sun, that is by solar influences and forces which are aligned with our inner Being.

This makes Master Samael says a major change almost a revolution in ourselves.

Third Mountain

Master Samael says that really this transference occurs after the third mountain is complete. However, he says that we must do the long version because when we do it we actually prepare the seat for this solar atom to slot into when we are ready to receive it.

He says that basically the blood charged with sexual hormones (after transmutation) when it filters into the brain with the viparita karani mudra prepares this seat.

Master Samael says that this seat is at the height of the root of our nose in our brain. He says that it is in the area where the central collector of afferent impulses in the brain is.

There is Hope – Five Years

But he says something also marvellous that we must practice the long version for three hours a day for five years for this transference to happen.

The ultimate is to practice the viparita karani mudra for three hours a day. He says that we need to Slowly build up to it, starting off with a few minutes only.

Why five years, you may be asking. Well because Master Samael says that we must first of all pay off our Katancy to have this transference of atoms take place within us.

Third Logos and Divine Mother

So then, it is not us that really makes the transfer happen it is the Third Logos that really does it.

Master Samael says that we must invoke our Divine Mother and beg her as an intermediator to invoke the Third Logos and prepare the seat and one day transfer the solar atom to our brain and the move the lunar atom to our solar plexus.

Master Samael also explains that while we are in the viparita karani mudra position we can ask the Third Logos for healing of a sick organ and for him to awaken a chakra or dissolve this or that ego.

Long - Penance

Master Samael also says that with this special mudra we can actually pay our Katancy, which is a superior grade of karma. Master Samael says that we all have some Katancy and paying it off will make a huge difference in our lives, especially to our inner Being. Because it is our Katancy that conditions and limits our inner Being.

He also says that when our Katancy is paid we can receive the solar atom in our brain.

Master Samael actually used it to voluntarily pay off some karmic debts that he knew that he had.

Of course, we can do exactly the same. I have done this and it has given me results and also m.m.m has done this and got excellent results.

Short – Blood Charged with Hormones Flooding and Activating Centres of the Brain

After the Tibetan rites of rejuvenation which consist of either 11 in one version or 6 rites in a shorter version, the viparita karaniu mudra is practiced.

In the rites or exercises before the viparita karmani mudra much transmutation of the sexual energy has occurred and the transmutation releases sexual hormones into our blood. As blood is a special link and carrier of life forces within us , our blood charged with electricity from our transmutation enters our brain and this extra charge of electricity in our blood acts to open up certain dormant or deactivated areas in our brain.

Master Samael also says that causing an increased flow of blood to our brain is good because it refreshes the lymphatic system flushing out the stagnant blood which comes the lower abdomen.


Practice it, invoke with love the Divine Mother and the Third Logos asking for help to heal the body and to dissolve an ego.

Practice it for your health.

Practice it if you are tired at night and can not sit or lie down without falling asleep.

There are mantras to invoke our Divine Mother and they are: RAM-IO, O AO KAKOF NAKONSA, SOLU SIGI SIG, IO and ISIS.

There is also a mantra to invoke the Third Logos and it is: IN-EN.

End (2549).


  1. Practicing for 3 hours everyday for 5 years must not be taken literally.

    The third arcanum is related to the Divine Mother. It is associated with the sephirah Binah, which represents the Third Logos.

    The fifth arcanum represents the Law.

    Therefore, Master Samael is telling us to practice the Viparita Karani everyday as a profound prayer to our individual Divine Mother and the Third Logos. And we must do this until our debts against the Holy Spirit and/or Katancia is paid.

    I asked you a question a few days back about the Viparita Karani mudra and now I got my answer!

  2. Thankyou for the comment. That makes lots of sense. Al I can say is lets get to work.

  3. Hola, una pregunta, que pasa SI lo hago a veces por mas de tres horas, hasta cuatro o Cinco?
