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Sunday 5 August 2018

Hierarchy of Meats from a Talk Master Samael Gave - (2530)


Fish is best, followed by poultry followed by beef and lamb.


So in a meeting recorded say more than 40 years ago in Mexico, Master Samael allowed a medical doctor to speak about nutrition for a short while. This doctor in the presence of Master Samael explained that there is an hierarchy of meats when it comes to the quality of iron and the way that iron affects the haemoglobin in our blood. 

He first of all explains that the iron contained in the haemoglobin has a superior kind of electronic vibration then the iron contained in seeds, leaves and in vegetables. He goes onto the say that via the food chain the herbivores take their iron from vegetables and that iron that they take becomes accumulated and concentrated in their haemoglobin. Then the carnivores eat the herbivores and the carnivores end up with more iron in their haemoglobin then the herbivores do because the meat of the herbivores has more iron in it than vegetables which the herbivores eat.

He says that the meat of the herbivores is a little toxic and is not as good as fish. He says that fish is the beat meat that there is. Because he says that the best mine of haemoglobin is in the deposit of Hydrogen (esoteric Hydrogen) which is the ocean. He says that fresh fish that has been carefully selected is adds directly to the quality of the electricity coming from our haemoglobin.

Basically he is saying that fish is the best because fish contains a higher quality of iron and the other meats contain a lesser quality of iron and the higher quality of iron nourishes more the electricity in our haemoglobin.

He says that iron in our haemoglobin produces a certain electricity which is seen in electrocardiograms and which resonates with the iron at the centre of the earth.

He says that the iron of all of the meats is necessary to be absorbed by human beings and so even though fish is superior according to this doctor all the other meats can be and should also be eaten when the body calls out for it.

End (2530).

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