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Friday 3 August 2018

Sexuality is an Altar - (2529)

Sexuality is an altar upon which a sacrifice and an offering is made.

Both man and woman officiate at this altar to positively and inwardly make a sacrifice of one of the most valuable treasures that we have.

Magic is where there is sacrifice and there is a magic value at stake. That is why transmutation is sexual magic, because the high value of the water is presented and there is sacrifice which is transmutation and together a magic result is produced.

The 'water' is sacrificed by transmutation and offered up on high to the internal Being.

The water in us - our sexual energy is sacrificed and offered by means of the other two valuables that we have which is breath and blood.

The breath helps to liberate the fire from the water and the blood carries the fire upwards to the brain.

Master Samael says that there is an upper triangle in us which consists of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and then he says that there is a lower triangle with us here which consists of breath, blood and water. 

Each vertice of the triangle corresponds, such that the Father corresponds here in the physical world to the Breath, the Son to Blood and the Holy Spirit to the Water.

When we transmute Master Samael says we charge our physical blood with a certain electricity as well as with hormones that via our blood nourish and positively affect our vital organs and brain.

End (2529).

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