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Thursday 9 August 2018

Ray of the Being Taken By Karma – (2542)


I received some feedback yesterday about the ray of the Being posts. So here is another one for you!
This comes from m.m.m by the way from a class that he gave last week.

Ray of the Being Taken…

When a person is very asleep and has much karma the ray of the Being is taken by the Law and that person through the negative polarisation of the person’s ray is used as an instrument.

The Law then uses such a person as an instrument to process certain changes and karmic processes as well as dharmic processes for a nation, a people, a town, a village, a family, a small group of people, a company etc. etc.

This usually happens with the fallen bodhisattvas. Such as Napolean for example, Julius Cesar etc.

Even if the negative polarisation of the ray of the Being is used, because there is duality in everything the negative polarisation can produce some good effects or results.

For example, Master Samael as Julius Cesar, having fallen, opened the 4th sub race for humanity. Someone from the ray of force was needed to do that, especially in those times and in those lands. But even then having fallen, he was not so asleep. 


You may be able to see a similar trait in your life, but of course on a very much smaller scale. Perhaps the ray of your Being has been used in its negative polarisation to make others to suffer or to do wrong things or half/half things etc. etc. Of course though we don’t want anymore of that we want to manifest, cultivate and live out the positive side of the Ray of the Being.

End (2542).

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