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Monday 20 August 2018

The Question of a Kiss – (2568)

Master Samael Excerpt

“A kiss comes to be the mystical consecration of two souls, eager to express in a sentient way what they live internally; the sexual act becomes the consubstantialization of Love, in the psychophysiological reality of our nature. "

“El beso viene a ser la consagración mística de dos Almas, ávidas de expresar en forma sensible lo que interiormente viven; el acto sexual viene a ser la consubstancialización del Amor, en el realismo psicofisiológico de nuestra naturaleza.”


Consubstantialization means to be of the same nature or substance. In this excerpt from Master Samael, the sexual act becomes of the same nature of love.

A Question

I was asked this question by a student:

“What is an acceptable level of intimacy before marriage? Things like kissing, touching etc. Is there a consequence to this type of intimacy being unmarried? If I were to engage in this, it would be with the utmost care - is this acceptable?”

I think perhaps a good way to answer him is to use the above quoted excerpt from Master Samael, and say that a kiss is when two souls have acquired feelings for one another. Where I could emphasise that the feelings be of an honest nature.

Of course, though one is free to do as one wishes. A person is their own judge. We can only recommend and say that if one does engage in a lot of kissing and things like that before marriage then one could strengthen the egos of lust, and perhaps when it comes to the time when they want to work in the alchemy after marrying, they may lack the force or ‘fire’ to do so. Because a lot of magnetism and energy has been used up already and in the process little karmic knots get created that become active when it is time to work sexually in the Alchemy, and one way that they are paid is by delaying the Alchemical work.

End (2568).

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