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Monday 20 August 2018

Why Fight Against the Apparent Ill Will of Others? Accepting it is much Better! – (2567)

Why Protest?

Why protest and fight against the ill will of others? Inevitably when we do protest and fight against the apparent ill-will of others we actually do so with our own ill-will.

We protest inside of ourselves wondering why they have such an attitude, and proclaiming how they should not be like that etc. etc.

All our protesting though, does not really do us or them any good.


The solution is to really accept their ill-will. Because we essentially protest that they do not treat us well and are not kind to us. Though by protesting and fighting we are not at all doing what we are expecting of them. It is a little crazy always to expect from others something that we can not do ourselves.

I have found that if we actually settle down and make the effort to accept that apparently they do not like us or are upset with us and continue to appreciate them, then we come to be at peace inside of ourselves. We can even understand that it does not matter so much that they may not like us and what matters more is if we can accept that and overcome that.

Even we may find that we have to work on ourselves and even pray to be able to accept things such as people may not like us or agree with us etc. Though it is well worth the effort.

End (2568).

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