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Friday 31 August 2018

When in the ‘No’ of the Ego Focus on the ‘Yes’ of Your Work and Your Being – (2591)

When Struggling with a Decision...

When we are in a struggle, we are in a struggle because there is the ego in us saying “No!” and then there is the work saying “Go Ahead!”. Or it could be the opposite if we struggling with temptation. The ego is saying “Yes!” and the work is saying “No!”.

Anyway, we can help ourselves out by focusing on the yes of the work and the yes of the Being.

We can feel the hurt, pain, worry etc. of the ego, but it is displaced by the joy of saying yes to the work and the Being. Imagining we take the decision to go ahead in the work, then imagine he benefits of that decision coming to us, imagine the peace, the light, the harmony, the happiness of the essence…

That is very powerful stuff to displace the angst of the ego.


Where we choose to focus is decisive! I suggest if you really like and value your spiritual work, put your focus on the work and your inner Being.

End (2591).

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