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Thursday 30 August 2018

Work Well in Your Actual Life Not in Your Should Be Life – (2590)

Don't Touch with Reality

Even with the best intentions, we can start to stop living in our life and go astray living in what we should be doing and what we want to be doing instead of what we are actually doing. For example, we say: “I should be working on this and that in such a, such a way” and we start to chase that idea of ‘should’ and that is where our focus goes and we forget the now and the important egos that appear in us and stop working on ourselves but because we still have the ‘should’ in ourselves we still think that we are working but we are not really.

When we live in the ‘should’ we actually stop noticing our life and we don’t really come into direct grounded contact with our life and ourselves as we really are. The result of this is living on the surface and never being able to make real changes within us.

In the ‘Should’ is Pride

To live in the ‘should’ is pride and a lack of trust in our inner Divinity. Our inner Divinity sets the rhythm and didactic of our work and if we are in our life we work the didactic that is set for us. When we live in the ‘should’ we work our didactic and desires and can never quite make them fruitful.

We feel really guilty all the time because of the ‘should’. That is the gift that ‘the should’ gives us: guilt!


The solution is to be here settled and accepting of pour life and work our very own life intensely with no ‘shoulds’ or plans of ‘should’.

End (2590).

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