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Monday 10 September 2018

Balance of the Centres Notes – (2609)


The centres of the human machine have been designed to operate in harmony. The harmony of the centres is all the centres working in a balanced way, and a lot has to be said about this.

The harmony and balance that exists within the heavenly spheres and the starry skies was originally within us and can be once again within us.

Balancing Principle

A balancing principle is required to restore and maintain balance. A principle situated above the centres, located in a higher governing dimension is the one which can install balance and harmony among the centres.

A balancing principle within us is always the essence or the consciousness.

The consciousness is balance. Whatever is balanced is that which does not cause pain, suffering or illness.

Our consciousness is that which knows and has the wisdom, the vision and awareness to restore and maintain balance.

Within the wisdom of the balancing principle is the knowledge of the use and abuse of the centres. Also knowledge of the properties of the centres and their many functions. Also a knowledge of their orbits is present.

Ego Does not Know Balance

The ego is always an extreme and within its nature there is not balance and therefore it can not strike the balance.

The ego does not have the vision nor the awareness to strike a balance. It can not see the whole, it only sees its interests.

As a whole the human machine with its seven centres was designed to be balanced.

When there is Balance

Balance arrives when all the centres are used, not just one. Balance amongst the centres is defined as the centres working together making up a harmonious whole.

A centre working more than the others is not balance. A centre gone rogue and working in isolation to the other centres is not balance either.

A centre that functions without consideration to the other centres is not balanced or harmonious.

A centre leaving its orbit breaks the balance. This happens typically when we one centre is used for everything, or used outside of its appropriate sphere.

The role of each centre in relation to the other centres is to keep each centre in its orbit.

The consciousness is the power that is able to determine which centre is the appropriate response. 

Which event requires the use of which centre is the domain of the consciousness.

But we can lay down a principle and say that in a given event if all centres are used then we are closer to the balance and the right response.

Intervention of Ego

The intervention of the ego within us causes imbalance among our centres. The balance of the centres entails that each orbit is maintained, and each centre is kept to its orbit.

For the health and well-being of the whole human machine the centres must be cycled through. Intellect to emotion to motor to intellect, repeating the cycle.

The person who is wise can help him or herself immensely by making use of the change of centres.

Because of the ego we gravitate to the inferior side of the centres. Which are the negative thoughts, the negative emotions and the harmful actions. Those actions which harm others and ourselves.

End (2609).

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