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Monday 10 September 2018

Will, Imagination and Transmutation Decisive to Dissolve Lust – (2608)


Will which is another word for yearning is decisive. The yearning to integrate more in our Being is the most essence satisfying and fulfilling yearning or longing.


Transmuting is the way, the means to direct and integrate ourselves through our sexual energy into our Being.


Imagination is used in this process as providing the vision of the place where the transmuted energy flows to. Imagination focuses precisely the flow and destination our of transmuted energy.

The transmutation passes the transmuted energy through the centres of the human machine, where the energy tangibly is felt in the body.

The will and the yearning to be with the Being are the main tools that defeat lust.

A very important point is to understand that lust is psychological and it has the use of will and imagination turned inside out from their original pristine natures and directions. So whatever one feels with lust is the result of the turned inside our will and imagination and when that is corrected the opposite of what is felt in lust is experienced.

Take whatever feeling that you have and apply this key and you will see how these feelings can be transformed.

Doing this repeatedly as a remedy to lust is to cause the will to be taken out of the hands of the ego of lust.

End (2608).

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