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Friday 7 September 2018

Free Will in a Gnostic School Clarification Offered – (2607)

Taught to Free Will

In Gnosis students are taught to free their will from the many egos and karma that they may have. So that in the end a Gnostic student has all of his or her will in his/her hands, and the Gnostic student in such a position can do anything with that will...

(The best thing to do with that freed will is to drive it into one’s Being, using it to integrate ever more into one’s own Being.)

Just to go over this point, it is said in Gnosis that a human being does not normally possess their will. If I insult you or your mother or children and you even though you don’t want to feel upset, you will insult me back or storm off or perhaps hit me. Even though we don’t want to feel scared or suffer we do. We do not have the will enough to not suffer or not feel scared... This is true isn't!

Master Samael says that the amount of free will we have really is the same as the space that exists in a violin case between the case and the bridge which is only 1cm or half an inch or so.

Classes Not According to Your Will

However, the question comes when a student may say one day, there is no free will in Gnosis, you have to attend class twice a week, attend retreats and you can’t really come and go as you please according to your will. Because if you do you that you will be asked to think if you really want to study Gnosis seriously.

So, the student says what free will is there then. Well from the human point of view they are right, but seen esoterically they are not quite right. Because to acquire one’s own free will, freed from one’s own karma and conditioning, requires work and effort and a basic ingredient of work and effort is constancy. So constant attendance gives us the chance to acquire the will to be able to further free our will.

I say that we do not have any will to act freely with until we really free our will from the ego and our karma, and this requires much dissolution of the ego and awakening of the consciousness. We think to be able to get up and go to Mongolia now is free will, but well what is driving you to do that and are you free to determine how everything will be when you get there? Free will is conscious it is not to be driven here and there for no conscious reason.


In Gnosis we are invited to think about everything esoterically, and in fact the workings of a Gnostic school can only really be understood from the esoteric point of view. When we see a Gnostic school from only the human point of view we experience clashes within our mind and emotion that we can not really understand and iron out until we see a Gnostic school from a psychological and esoteric work point of view.

End (2607).

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