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Saturday 29 September 2018

The Sense to Fight - (2639)

A Real Existing Sense

There is the psychological sense to fight within us, and this sense is something very necessary in all the three spheres of life: physical, psychological and esoteric.

There are some people who have this sense very well developed and fight over everything and there are others who have this sense very underdeveloped and never fight. In any case the best is the middle, where the consciousness governs, either extreme always brings trouble.

This sense has a legitimate presence within us, because apart from being so necessary, it is an expression of the energy and force that we all have within us. 

What is karmically and esoterically decisive, is how this sense is put to use. 

This sense is very powerful and engages the energies and force we have available in all three realities.
It engages our will from our spiritual sphere, it engages our mind, emotion and focus from our psychological sphere and it engages the centres and energies of our physical body from our physical sphere.  

Negative Use -  That Which Goes Against Us

When we are insulted or are reprimanded for example, we can start to fight against ourselves by expressing emotions such as: "I am useless", "I am a looser", "I can't", "yes, yes, I know I am really stupid"  etc. 

In this case the sense to fight goes totally against ourselves, which of course buries us further into pain and suffering.

Tricky Physical Use - Correctness Goes Against Others

There is another use which fights against others. Rejecting the opinions of other, defending ourselves and attacking others - often humiliating them. 

There are times when we actually do have to fight, that is when justice is challenged and it is honest and right to do something. Sometimes to not fight is a mistake, and sometimes it is a mistake if our fight was conducted unfairly and through disrespectful or violent means. 

Correct Use - Used to Transform Ourselves (Mystical Death)

The correct use is to get up and fight to transform ourselves, so to achieve a certain positive result. When we are criticised or belittled for example, it is this sense to fight that must kick in, and make us work on ourselves and achieve comprehension and correct and defect in us that may have caused the criticism.

End (2639). 

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