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Sunday 30 September 2018

Working on the Implications of a Monad's Many Vehicles - (2640)


This can be a scary theme actually. Because we can feel that it is us as a vehicle that is not going to get realised, and that the other vehicle will arrive at it instead. We can feel the fear of annihilation which is very scary. 

We may even feel like a little abandoned, not being the one and only vehicle. We may even think we are in darkness becasue the Being is helping the other physical vehicle, then again what do we really know, it is just the silly human jealousy and self-love that we have projecting itself onto our inner Being. Our inner Being is justice and is above having a favourite vehicle, like a teacher's pet type of thing. That is human psychology and the Being is spirit.  

I want to tell you though do not accept these type of feelings without first rigorously questioning the thoughts that generate these feelings. 


Let's for a minute investigate this... 

This is of course our mind thinking about something it does not really know about. What does our mind know about our Monad really? I ask my mind, well tell me why both or all three vehicles can't all arrive at self-realisation? What makes our mind think that it is only ever one vehicle that has to win the self-realisation?

Then it is not us that gets self-realised. It is the Being that realises itself. Then if our Being realises Itself and we are connected to the Being, aren't we then self-realised as well?

Won't our essence then join with the self-realised Being.

If we are a vehicle in the work then it is obvious it is going to be us that is going to help our Monad realise Itself. Ok say a Monad has three vehicles and they are all in the work, isn't it obvious that all three are set to help the Being realise itself. 

Why do we have the idea of some kind of race or what serves the best is used and what does not serve is discarded? That is the animal way of thinking of life in the jungle - the survival of the fittest. The Being is not in a jungle and is not an animal.

Some Implications

It seems reasonable that a Monad may have more than one physical vehicle. A human being can have several children, two jobs, two cars, several bank accounts, several email accounts, several houses, etc. 

If a Monad has more than one vehicle it would be, we surmise, so that the Monad can derive something useful from it.

We surmise that through more than one vehicle the Monad could accelerate  Its learning and also expand its learning. Because as each vehicle is different, each vehicle would be exposed to different circumstances and conditions and thus its learning would be different.

Because we are the vehicle working on itself so to enter and walk the path it is us that is going to help the Monad to realize Itself.

Karma of the Vehicles

Obviously the vehicles if they are asleep will be accruing some kind of karma. The vehicle that dissolves all of its egos will not have karma but the other vehicle may have karma. So then the Being must have to control the other vehicle to not accrue any more karma. 

The vehicle who dissolves the ego, is free totally to move within the Being, the vehicle who still has karma can not move freely within the Being yet. So then it can be that the good of one vehicle gives the inner Monad merit to minimise or manage the karma accrued from the other vehicles.

One Essence Divided Among the Vehicles or Perhaps Not

We assume that this teaching says that the Monad has one essence and it is divided among the different vehicles. 

Perhaps it is the one and same soul with several dettachments as essence.

One Thing is Clear - is Final Unification

For the Being to achieve its total unity, it must join all of its parts, including any vehicles into one. If one vehicle has gone to the abyss how can It unite all of its parts? Impossible, so the Being will not let any vehicle that it has to go to the abyss.

End (2640).


  1. This is the first time I have heard of this concept of a Monad having many vehicles and it has put me in somewhat of an existential crisis!

    Are you sure about this? I mean, did you misinterpret something?

  2. If it is really like this...

    I know I am not my physical, vital, emotional or mental bodies. I know that my consciousness is also not ME.

    Master Samael says that I am the Being. I am the Spirit.

    But to think that somebody else could have the same "I am" as me? I don't understand...
