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Friday 19 October 2018

Envy and Its Area of Life - (2672)

Every ego is an answer to an area of life.

Envy like all the other egos has its particular area of life.

Envy's area is all to do with progress and success.

Envy is a conditioning in duality of a certain quality of all Beings. Which is the joy for the success, happiness and progress of others.

Envy conditioned in duality feels sad, upset, depressed or aggravated at the success of others and it takes joy in the failures of others.

It is a thinking, feeling and willing in a direction opposed to the natural state of this natural and Being/Essence quality of feeling joy for the happiness, success and progress of others.

Envy like all the other egos is conditioned in duality.

Each ego is conditioned by duality which is the opposite of the natural flow of the essence within us.

Each ego has a good and bad side. The good side of envy is that it can propel us to also make progress as others have made. It drives competition and that can bring innovation and improvement.

End (2672).

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