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Friday 19 October 2018

Keys to Transform Envy – (2669)

Ancestral Aspect

If we don’t transform envy we end up with a rival.

There are cases where the rival becomes one for life, and that rivalry continues from one life to the next.

One aspect of the work on envy implies totally annulling this rivalry that we bring with us from the past.

That ancestral type of rivalry is best annulled by the transformation of rival to friend.


The opposite of envy is the happiness for the success of others.

Here are some keys which when applied can reduce a manifestation of envy down to a small bump.

One – Transform into Good News

Be glad, tell yourself “Thank God that person succeeded!”. It is good for them, their family, society, others, the planet, the heavens etc. and it is very good for us.

See that their success does not disadvantage us. It is always true that anybody’s success on the path does not adversely affect us.

See that their success opens a way for us and for others.

Two – Counter the Undeserving Element

Reverse our judgement that they are undeserving. The Law makes possible what is just. To success there are the merits for it.

See a Monad behind the person. Shift the focus from seeing a person with their personality aspects such as culture, age, qualities good and bad etc. to seeing a Monad.

And a Monad is one which we can never know all about it nor can we as human beings condition. This is because the Monad of every person is infinite.

Three – Trust and Transcend Time and Achievement

Trust, if steps one and two above have not worked then evoking and applying trust will certainly work.

Trust that your sincere efforts will also pay off and trust that you too can achieve what the other has achieved.

Even trust if that success is not to come to us, trust that what comes to us is the right thing for us and it is what our inner Being has ordained for us.

Trust in the Being and the Law that what we wish for will come at the time that is rightly merited for us. Trust the Divine Law. We tend not to trust the Divine Law when we are envious, because we think that we deserve success instead of the other and that we should have it now.

Four – Create a Friend

See in the one who found success, a friend who can help. As the person has achieved what you also wish to achieve that person is a friend, we both share a common love.

The ill-will in rivalry does not make sense, it is simply absurd. As both rivals are the same, with both sharing a common love.


Honestly envy in any field of life does not really make sense, much less of all in esotericism.

Being honest once again, by applying these four keys above (GDTB – Good News Deserving Trust Befriend) any manifestation of envy can be reduced down to an small itch within a minute.

End (2669).

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