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Thursday 18 October 2018

Essence Evolves By Planetary Ray - Perhaps Key to Lines on Our Forehead - (5312)

Master Samael says that when an essence emerges from out of the abyss, and begins its process of evolution through the mineral, vegetable, animal and human kingdoms it does so through its planetary ray along with other factors.

Master Samael says there are minerals and plants that belong to planetary rays. 

There are plants that belong to Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter etc. These plants channel better to
the Earth the energies that come from these seven planets.

The rose - said to belong to the planetary ray of Mars
We can then infer that this planetary ray stays with the essence all the way into the human kingdom.
Thus the lines on our forehead. Inferring once again that we with the determined number of lines on our forehead, we channel the energies of a certain planet to ourselves and then to the Earth. 

So each human being is a planetary talisman according to their planetary Ray. Why we belong to a particular Ray is a mystery to be solved yet. 

End (5312).

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