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Thursday 4 October 2018

Forehead Lines and the Planetary Ray – Easy Yet the Most Tricky – (2644)


Master Samael says that all human beings belong to a particular planetary ray, of which there are seven.

Master Samael taught that the particular ray that a person belongs can be told by the numbers of lines on their forehead.

The seven planetary rays and the corresponding number of lines on the forehead are given below.

Moon – 1 line
Mercury – 2 lines
Venus – 3 lines
Sun – 4 lines
Mars – 5 lines
Jupiter – 6 lines
Saturn – 7 lines

Clear Yet not so Clear

It is very easy to find your planetary ray. Just push up your forehead and count the number of lines.

Though what does it mean really?

Well, all the people I have met don’t really know in a clear and definitive way. The best explanation that I have heard is that, a person’s Being belongs to or is closely related to a planet of the solar system (Ors) and that planet can be discovered by the number of lines on your forehead.

The planet that our Being is related to may not relate directly to the ray of the Being. For example, a person may have 4 lines across their forehead and yet their Being belongs to the ray of medicine.  Another two examples are the ray of the Law and two or three lines and the ray of death and two lines.

Coming to Master Samael's case there was a very clear relationship. He had five lines across his forehead, relating him to Mars and his Monad belongs to the ray of Force – so direct correspondence.

It seems that the ray which colours or impregnates us the most is the ray of the Monad, that is the cosmic ray such as the ray of the Law, Medicine, Death, Wisdom, Love, Art etc. However, we may be able to say that the planetary ray influences the nature of our mind. It somehow gives our mind certain qualities. Our mind I say, because behind our forehead is our brain and the brain is the instrument of the mind. What the qualities of each planet are is an interesting matter. Mercury for example has the effect of making the mind to be clear, precise and all well logically organised and defined.

There are also seven minds as Master Samael explains and each mind has its particular truth master Samael explains. Where each truth corresponds to each of the seven cosmocrators. For example, Samael has the truth about force, Rafael has the truth about science, Uriel about love etc.

What would the qualities be of someone whose planetary ray is Mars or Mercury? How would their mind be influenced? A point to investigate.

End (2644).

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing very nice detailed information. Please check haute her tips
