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Thursday 4 October 2018

Main Thing to Dissolve with the Body Egos – (2645)

The main thing to dissolve is that thing of the mind, that for example, makes you to eat when you are not hungry, rest when you are not tired and turn to other instinctive functions of the body when out of sync with the environment and time of day etc.

Usually the ego in the mind tries to make you eat, rest etc. when in a state of boredom, stress, disquiet, upset or just in the everyday routine.

The egos of gluttony, laziness and lust force the instinctive centre to function. This forcing of the instinctive centre is the first thing that we must work on.

When we work on this we will discover that a large part of the problem is due to this beguiling forcing done by the ego.

Behind this beguiling forcing is of course a logic and of course concepts. The first beguiling concepts it that the body needs to eat or rest. This concept is worth questioning.

We feel tired, sleepy or hunger pains but they can be made to go by diverting our attention or focussing our attention on something else. That is really where the use of our will comes into play.

If we can break the hypnotic grip of the mind, and come to realise deeply that it is the ego behind making us want to eat, rest etc. then the battle is mostly won and it is a matter of separating the ego each time that it appears and asking the Divine Mother to eliminate it until it is gone.

End (2645).

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