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Tuesday 2 October 2018

Introduction to Temples – (2642)

A Temple for Each Way

Each religion has its sacred sites, and each religion has its sacred buildings or temples. There seems to be no religion or no spiritual movement without which there is a sacred site or temple.

The many pilgrimages that practitioners go on are all journeys to the sacred sites and temples.

In some cases, the central temple of a religion is built upon a sacred site. As in the case of Judaism, Islam and Christianity.

The sacred site of a religion is usually where an event, central to the founding principles of the religion took place. Such as Bethlehem – (birthplace of Jesus) and Calvary (Golgotha) for Christianity, where the passion of Jesus took place.

Certainly, Gnosis has its sacred sites, where the roots of the modern Gnostic movement are to be found, being in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada in Colombia and in Mexico city.

Temples in the Cosmos

None the less a temple is something universal and fundamental to cosmic and spiritual life.

Each cosmic ray has its temple, where is housed its mysteries, its records (history), its masters that give it life.

Each temple is a place where the function of a Being, or a cosmic ray is administered and manifested.

Temples and the Being

Each Being we are told has Its temple.

In the heart of every Being we are told, we have a heart temple.

How would the Divine Law function if there were no palace or temple? What would be of the masters of the medicine if there were no hospital temples to administer their healing.

Every authentic temple has a function. No temple is built without function.

Every temple has a unique location in space. Often a temple’s location is dictated by the location of a sacred site. Whether it be a sacred site of a religion or of nature Herself. None the less the location of a temple is unique and special and is not randomly selected, whether it be physically or internally.

Related Points

The following are pointers to significant points concerning the theme of “The Temple”.
  • Origins
  • Bridge outside to inside
  • Meeting Place
  • Convergence of Energies and Forces
  • Channel to Above
  • Altar of Sacrifice
  • The Very Heart
  • Generation or Fount
  • Contrast
  • Architecture

End (2642).

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