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Monday 1 October 2018

Working Gluttony – (2641)

Right Gymnasium

We only really come face to face with gluttony when we go on a diet.

There are several forms of gluttony. The main form is that related to food.


The work on gluttony in many ways is a work with will.

It seems that when the instinctive centre is involved, our will is called into play.

To work on gluttony is a good avenue to free up some will.

When we work on gluttony, we can observe that other “I’s” with their will come to help and provide some motivation. Perhaps physical vanity appears bringing its amount of will/motivation to help us to work gluttony in order to look better.

Self-compassion with its strong and wrong use of will (against us) can also appear causing us to overeat as a means to go further against ourselves.

Mind and Emotion

There are many mental and emotional factors that are also involved and often obstruct the functioning of our will.

The concept that “we need to eat a certain amount” is one that we come face to face with. Of course we do not have to eat that amount. Our body can do fine with much less.

Another concept is that “it hurts not to eat this much”. It only in truth hurts for a while, but the body gets use to it and the ‘hunger pains’ subside.

“All the good food will go to waste.” Perhaps not, we can eat it a bit at a time, instead of all in one go.

In the end everything costs a price and it is of natural consequence that we will suffer a bit exercising our will. This is unavoidable and we can not blame anyone because it is ourselves that has accustomed our body to eat so much.

We broke the balance and it takes effort on our part to bring things back into balance once again.

The training to be done is for our consciousness to come to know moderation and to not allow the mind to overrule the body’s natural instincts of balance and moderation.

After working on gluttony the consciousness comes to know the effects of too much gastronomical pleasure.

Gluttony in general is about not wasting any opportunity, often at the expensive of breaking balance which has complicating and painful effects and results. The consciousness comes once again to learn about how balance is the best policy.

End (2641).

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