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Wednesday 24 October 2018

Sexuality has Something to do with Time – (2678)

Lengthens or Shortens Time

Sexuality has a relation to time. It either lengthens or shortens time, as well as marking out time.

As sexuality creates it introduces time. The more it densely it creates the greater the intervals between which time is measured increase.

Sexual creative energy on its descending spiral creates ever more densely and in the denser creations time increases. Sexual energy in its upward ascent towards its source shortens time.

The denser creation becomes the slower things vibrate. Meaning their frequency of vibration is lower. As frequency and time are inversely proportional, the lower the frequency the greater the time (f = 1/T).

Remember the universal measure of time is always the time it takes for a natural phenomena to repeat itself. The ‘T’ in the formula f=1/T is the time between the same point in successive cycles.

In the Body

As the sexual energy is expelled from the body the cells of the body are slowed down as the energy which was helping to make them vibrate more intensely was lessened. As the cells slow down cellular mechanics slows down and the effects of aging appear. Thus time for the body accelerates.

The more we indulge in lust the less time we create for our spirit.

When we are bottled in lust we are bottled in time and do not make use of time very well. We in fact we lose time.

Esoteric Time

The wrong use of sexuality takes time from us. It precipitates us from the eternal into time limited temporary. The wrong use also precipitates us from the immortal to the mortal, i.e. in other words from eternal to time finite.

The right use of sexuality takes from mortal to immortal from the wheel of Samsara to the eternal.

Esoteric Age

Each one of us according to our initiatic level has an esoteric age. The more we transmute the more mature our esoteric age, which is to increase our wisdom.

The more we misuse our sexual energy the more immature we become, i.e. we lose esoteric time.


Sexuality and time are linked. The best way to gain leverage against this relationship is to transmute.

End (2678).

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