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Wednesday 24 October 2018

Sexuality is Something that is Governed from Above – (2677)

Back in Time…

Master Samael tells us that back in the times of Lemuria, sexuality was governed by the Divine Hierarchies. Under the direction of these Divine Hierarchies and in harmony with cosmic laws and cycles, the Lemurian couples were led to the temples in a kind of migration lit by a full Moon to procreate. The real origin of the honey moon.

There those Lemurian couples in the temples used the method of the Kriya Shakti where there was no loss of the seminal entity. Only one sperm cell by means of concentration, will and imagination was released to conceive a child.

Back then before the fall sexuality was governed from above.

Even now sexuality is still governed from above. It must be as sexuality has much to do with the well being of the planet in many different levels other than with the issues of population.

The Fall

The fall was essentially the result of breaking away from this Divine governance.

After the fall sexuality separated from the Divine governance and fell in someway into the hands of the individual.

When the fall occurred human beings moved to be under different laws. This transition is the one from the Fulasnitaniano to Itoclanos principles. Each of these two principles has a different sexuality which is governed by that law.

Fulasnitaniano to Itoclanos

Within the Fulasnitaniano principle sexuality is directly reigned by the Divine Heirarchies, where the sexuality of the Being i.e. supra-sexuality is in place. Under the Itoclanos principles, normal and infra-sexuality are in place. This is necessary as the energy that the Earth was receiving from those smaller number of human beings who were integrated with tehri Being and has not yet fallen was of a great quality and quantity. To replace that quantity of energy obviously a much larger number of fallen human beings were needed, hence normal and infra-sexuality.

It suffices to say that because the human population is increasing, this tells us that the Earth is getting weaker and weaker. Because more energy is needed through more human beings.

If all of the human beings were to suddenly transmute and self-realise the Earth would perhaps burn up with such a great intake of energy.


When one begins to transmute one begins to surrender their sexuality once again under the Divine governance of their inner Being. Then one comes to bring one’s sexuality slowly in harmony with h principles, laws and rhythms of the inner Being.

As this sexuality has its own laws and principles what is right in normal sexuality is certainly not right in supra-sexuality.

Supra-sexuality is the union of the individual’s sexuality with the superior principles of the Being. Supra-sexuality cosmic with cosmic harmony.


Supra-sexuality is compliance with cosmic laws and so the other classes of sexuality are about transgression of these cosmic principles and laws. Of course these transgressions cause karma. Karma then brings suffering in its payment or reaping of the consequences.

The development of contraception allowed millions of human beings to further separate sexuality by finding a way to get around the law of procreation which reminds so many human beings that sex is to reproduce, instead with the development of contraception sex has become more, and is used for more fragmented things than procreation.

Lust is about breaking these laws. Adultery is about breaking the vowels or institution of marriage and the great axiom of Alchemy which is that of one Hermetic vase. All of infra-sexuality is about breaking apart what is decent. Even the promiscuous person breaks the law of destiny, where the Divine Law assigns everyone a spouse.

Role of Lust

Obviously, lust is an agent of the fall and of the Itoclanos principle. Such a psychological aggregate is needed to give to nature what it needs. Therefore, to rebel against nature the psychological defect of lust with its many aggregates must be dissolved and one’s sexuality must change to supra-sexuality which is that of the Being’s.

The role of lust is to separate sexuality from the inner Being. The greater lust becomes the more separated sexuality comes from the inner Being and from all the harmonious, logical and original principles of life and nature.

Hence that is why now days there are so many strange twists, deviations and fragmentations of sexuality.

The more lust and its aggregates deviate from the realms of the logical, the harmonious, the beautiful, the loving, the normal, the more it separates human sexuality from the inner Being.


The measuring stick for human degeneration has always been the degree of separation of sexuality from the inner Being.

End (2677).

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