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Thursday 11 October 2018

To Have a Totally Malleable, Ductile and Open Mind has Some Mystical Death – (2664)

Have you tried in a conversation to have a totally open mind, a mind that does not see right or wrong, a mind that does not attach to one particular angle or way of thinking or of seeing things? A mind that does not see likes or dislikes, interests or disinterests?

Quite difficult isn’t it? But if we succeed in doing so there is real freedom there!

So often we see something wrong because we think that we know the right or better thing. If we don’t have the right or better thing in our mind we won’t be able to see something as wrong, so still our mind will remain.

Sometimes we maybe right, well we think that we are, and then we unfortunately we feel we must focus on the right thing because otherwise the result will be inconvenient or technically incorrect. This though mostly applies with physical things such as the bus timetable, fixing the car, using the TV remote control etc. However, what we really think we are right about, can turn out that we are wrong. So why not have a totally open mind.

There is also lots of love in us when we have an open and silent mind.

A mind that does not see problems, difficulties, money or time is an open mind. However, we have to descend into the comparison of money, time, difficulty etc. to decide sometimes. If we do it for the benefit of others it is good, but then try go back to the open and empty mind and intimately try hard to live in that state.

End (2664).

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