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Thursday 11 October 2018

When Dying Psychologically – Die from the Angle of Leaving Behind Interpretations – (2663)

What about if you say to yourself to die in this ego is to leave behind my particular interpretations of things and take things with a still mind.

With pride and lust there are many interpretations. Interpretations to words, concepts, sensations, feelings and emotions.

What about if we are to leave our interpretations behind, and receive all of those things without us adding any interpretation. We would be dying to our skewed vision of things and be being born to the way things are, and that would produce different results in the centres of our human machine.

This is a part of the dissolution of an ego. As each ego is a concept and a logic, and because the concept and logic of the ego depend entirely on how things are perceived or interpreted, not adding our interpretation does not allow the ego to function or think even with its logic.

End (2663).

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