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Wednesday 28 November 2018

Crime, Organised Crime and the Black Lodge - (2708)

Ghastly Title

You may be thinking what a ghastly post. I agree. None the less, it is a little something to help understand what "that of awakening in evil" is.


There are many crimes which are committed in the spur of the moment. Then there are many crimes that were planned and carried out 'more or less' to plan.

Master Samael said that many people are in jail because they answered an event of life with the wrong internal state. 

In such cases, the jailed person could have always been a good person and may not have even broken the law before, but fell victim to an inferior emotion, that developed beyond control during the event. However, if the person did not carry within their interior the seed of that an inferior emotion, they would be free now. 

They did not expect to react that way and certainly in their normal mind would have never wanted to commit such a crime. 

Organised Crime

From a psychological point of view and also a moral point of view planned crimes are worse than those committed in the 'heat of the moment'. Eventhough, the result of a planned crime and an unplanned crime maybe the same, they are different, and as a consequence the planned crime is usually punished more harshly than the unplanned one. 

In a planned crime there is much time to reconsider...

There is more ill-will involved in a planned crime. In fact a continuation of ill-will that builds with each step...

At work in a planned crime is a degree of intelligence, organisation and intent. Whereas in a unplanned crime there is only a flash of intent.

To plan a crime and carry out the plan, indicates a degree of organisation and a lack of remorse of conscience. A planned crime is the result of a union of the centres of the human machine in ill-intent.

An unplanned crime is the ego taking the human machine and then leaving, but a planned crime is the ego, the mind, the will, the centres and even the essence focused wrongly. 

Obviously the person who plans a crime has or begins in doing so to awaken in evil for evil. The intelligent organisation in planning and committing the crime indicates this.

There are many organised crime syndicates around the world that are successful in what they do and have been in operation for a long time. Obviously to be that way: successful in the long term, they have a certain high level of awareness, control, intelligence and organisation.

Esoteric Organisation

There are so many organised crime groups around the world dedicated to many areas of crime. 

An esoteric principle says that there are three realities: physical, psychological and esoteric. These three realities are also three levels of support. Obviously these long term successful crime syndicates have their support, even an esoteric level of support. If there was no support these organised crime groups would disappear.

There is physical and psychological support in the people involved in them and there is also esoteric support. This esoteric support comes from those who have awakened in evil for evil as Master Samael says. Those entities are around and have their plans. Obviously their plans boil down to extending and deepening degeneration where the different egos can enjoy their pleasures and corruption and grow more and more without any consequence from the Law.

In the end they are mistaken, the Divine Law stands above both the white and the black and rules over both, causing both to halt when needed (sometimes becasue of karmic debt the good from the white can not flourish). 

For sure it makes sense that the one who has broken the Law the most will be bent the most in the long run.

End (2708).

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