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Thursday 29 November 2018

Laconic Action of the Inner Being - (2709)

Our actions must be laconic to carry out the laconic action of the Being.

To be laconic is conventionally known as to be precise and concise.

Master Samael defines it as to not expect a reward for our actions.

To expect merits or rewards for our works is to fall into relativity.

The laconic action Being is epigenesis.

It is done without any preconditioning and does not create conditioning for the future.

It is an action that is by the Being, that strengthens the Being. That exercises the qualities of the Being. It is like the essence acts with its own qualities so to strengthen, to be itself.

To be treated harshly and unfairly and remain sweet and calm is the laconic action of the Being in motion.

The laconic action in this case is to hold and protect the quality and of sweetness of the essence.
superior value is to maintain the integrity of the essence.

End (2709).

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