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Monday 5 November 2018

Jealousy does not Know About the Heart Temple - (2693)


The defect of jealousy and its associated "I's" are really very ignorant of the heart temple.

The heart temple of each human being resides in their internal dimensions. And the internal dimension of each human being is rather vast.

Within the heart temple of any human being there is much space for many loves to take up residence.

Love of others, love for humanity, love for a friend, a wife, parents, a cause, the Being, a master, the guru etc.

The heart temple does not have the limitation of the mind, where we say "I only have space and time to love a few.".

The love that flows in the heart temple is of the Being and it is vast, so very much more vast than our mind and emotion.

Jealousy is ignorant of this, it thinks that there is only space for one love, and that love must be reserved specially for the jealous person.

Heart Temple

As the jealous person does not know his or her heart temple, the jealous person thinks in the selfish way that the other can only love one person or rather should only love person. But why should they only love one person (in a non sexual way of course) when there is so much space to love.

If someone loves us we are in their heart temple, and their heart temple and the love in there heart temple is vast, and they can love us deeply as well as love others. For them to love others does not mean that there is less love for us. Because the heart temple can accommodate both.

The problem is that as things are limited here when the jealous person sees 'the less' it believes love is leaving us. Love can not leave us because we have it inside of ourselves, from within our own heart temple.

End (2693).

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