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Monday 5 November 2018

The Sexual Force that is Overly Agitated Simply Descends - (2692)


If a person overly agitates their sexual force, their sexual force begins to take a momentum that breaks free from their control. 

Once their own sexual force has gained this level of momentum it easily breaks away from what is logical, sensible and correct in the mind and emotion of the person. 

Having broken away from the logical, sensible, and correct in the mind and heart ,the sexual force descends. It must descend, read on to see why. 

The sexual force descends into our subconscious and there it is taken hold of by certain egos. These egos give the sexual force a direction to follow, which often as is characteristic the subconscious, is a direction which is absurd and even possibly unlawly. Then if action is taken the consequences are dire.

A Dragon's Tail - reminding us of that side of the Typhon,
which can if we lose control turn the sexual force downwards.
Once a human being loses control of their sexual force, even momentarily it can not ascend. It can only ascend when there is control. That is when their is purposeful volition, which can only come about when there is control in the person.

Control implies control over the mind and heart which will not agitate the sexual force in the first place. If one wants to regain control one must stop control the motor centre then regain control over mind and emotion.


We cannot expect to do anything with sexuality or sexual energy if we do not have control.

Loss of control causes a direct descent into the subconscious. Watchful and controlled use of the sexual force sets the grounds upon which according to our imagination and volition it may ascend. 

It is as simple as driving a car. If we do not have control nothing good will come from driving a car without the adequate degree of control.

The ridiculous beliefs that we need agitation, passion etc. are all flawed as they do not lead to quality transmutation. We need quality! The kundalini and solar bodies are awakened, created and fed with quality.

End (2692).

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