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Friday 9 November 2018

Scared of Snakes and Spiders - (2702)

No Coincidence

Human beings are typically scared of snakes and spiders. I am not sure why of spiders, well maybe I do understand but we'll tackle that later...

Back to snakes. Certainly within myself I feel some uneasiness moving within my centres when close to a snake, even when it is in a glass cabinet.

In contrast to this there are people who love snakes and even have many of them as pets. In such cases these people have broken the associations with something deeper within themselves. They have separated the animal with what it subconsciously reminds them of... They see and like the animal and no longer feel the danger that it is associated with.

Anyway that deep fear of snakes comes from our remote ancestry or our very remote past. 

A snake or a serpent represents the sexual force within us, and subconsciously we know this but we are not aware of this in our conscious layers. Of course we can associate a snake with the consequences of the sexual fall. With those consequences being much suffering.

The serpent represents the power and potency of the sexual force as well its perils if not used carefully, and all this is represented and associated within the one creature. 

As for spiders, their sticky and complex web of entrapment reminds us of the mind and the dangers that ill mental health can bring to our lives.

End (2702).

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