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Thursday 8 November 2018

Frankenstein - (2701)

No Such Thing

Master Samael said that there is no such thing as Frankenstein or something similar, where life is created in a laboratory.

Non-existant Frankenstein.
He says that is only fantasy. Scientists, he says have tried to create life in a laboratory but they have never succeeded and never will.

Master Samael's assertion makes total sense. How can a charge of electrical current be equivalent to the current of life emanating from a Monad to It's essence. That is what is really life, the continuous flow of intelligent life giving energy emanating from a Monad which takes that life current from its counterpart within the Absolute.

The electrical current that gives life to the Frankenstein creation or comes from a machine. No machine is a Monad, and no machine can continually supply energy as does the Monad.

So eat dust can the Frankenstein theory...

End (2701).

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