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Friday 2 November 2018

Temples – (2690)

Temples are a cosmic phenomena. All religions and all spiritual movements have a temple. 

Usually there is a central main temple with many other smaller temples. The smaller temples are linked to the greater central temple, and the greater temple stands out as special, as in many cases it has to do with the founding events of the religion or movement.

There are churches, synagogues, mosques, temples and others…

Typically, temples are made by man. Hence consecration.

Consecration is the act of linking divine forces to something physical, a place, an object a person.
There are also temples of nature that have not been erected by human hands. Mother Nature’s temples do not need to be consecrated as they ae already blessed by the Divine.

Master Samael says that the temples in the internal worlds are those that have not be touched by human hands.

The internal temples are those that have been raised by the divine hierarchies.

The most famous of temples for the Gnostic - The Oracle of Delphi
Initiation is an entrance into a temple. Each vertebra and each chakra with its churches are a temple. The fiery serpent makes here entrance into temple along the upward ascent and final destination of the heart temple.

Every temple is a work of esoteric art, and as such contain in their artistic expression (architecture, decoration, interior murals, paintings, literature).

The Cosmic Mother is a great temple. As is the Absolute, it is an infinite temple. 

A natural and intimate need arises in each aspirant to make or set aside for him or herself a consecrated space.

Such a private or personal space, room or temple offers us an opportunity of contrast. Where as soon as we enter that space we can contrast our inner state which is the product of the way we have lived our day with what we remember of a more peaceful and conscious state.

Why are the temples internally located where they are? It is because at those locations certain lines of force cross or intersect.

The temples always guard the mysteries. In the ancient times of all places that one could travel to and venture to, the mysteries were always sought out by knocking at the doors of the temples. The great pyramids, the caves of the hermits, the pantheons, the shrines, the monuments etc.

The human being is a temple. Within the human being are many temples. With the most sacred being the heart temple.

The heart temple guards a divine particle, a precious relic of our inner Divinity. As is typical of each temple, each temple guards something special.

A temple is the generating power plant of each movement or religion. No religion or movement could survive if its temples were removed. 

Powerful forces move in the temples and these forces radiate outwards to the its smaller linking temples and supports each of its members that in turn through their devotion and upright conduct give force to the temples they attend.

End (2690).

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