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Sunday 4 November 2018

Proof of the Terrestrial Mystery Ray Teaching - (2691)


This teaching of master Samael is very easy to verify.

The teaching says that there are principally seven fundamental rays of initiatic mysteries on the planet Earth, of which each human being who has walked the path before or begins to walk the path belongs to.

Master Samael's ray is Egyptian.

The rays are:
  1. Lemurian
  2. Atlantean
  3. Oriental
  4. Egyptian
  5. Aztec
  6. Mayan
  7. Greek


To verify this great teaching one can simply get hold of a book which is somewhat of an atlas of the various temples and sacred sites on the planet Earth.

As each temple holds mysteries and is an artistic expression of the mysteries which it holds an atlas or a listing of the various temples on the Earth and their locations will clearly show for us that the temples fall into categories of locations which correspond directly the seven fundamental rays as listed above.

Note, the broadest ray is the Oriental which coves the middle east, the east, the far east and the south east.

End (2691).

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