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Thursday 8 November 2018

Working in the Second Factor Gives the Chance to Dissolve Jealousy – (2699)

In Trust is the Way

Obviously, if we listen to the stories of how so many couples in Gnosis were brought together, you will be able to see how invisible hands brought them together and that really it was like a coming together of two Monads. Where two Monads made a pact to work together.

It makes sense that it really must be this way: a contract between two Monads. Because the two are together so to work for the Monad.

In such a situation, the Monads have brought the two people together and the Monads hold them together. The work that they are doing also holds them together. If the work of each person is going ok then there is nothing that can separate them except for some very strange egoic states.

So, if things are perceived by our jealousy to be going a little weird then we must resort to trust. The two Monads are behind keeping the relationship together. We do not need to despair or whip ourselves up to an angry Ill-willed frenzy. The relationship and our Monads behind it will watch over it and take care of it. Sexuality is governed from above.

If our work is faltering and we get worried and then jealous then we just have to improve the quality of our work.

Without Trust Things Worsen

If trust is missing, then what happens is jealousy can be rather strong and this ego of jealousy can get rather out of control producing intense emotional pain and worry.

It can think that jealousy will affect the Alchemy and then it also believes the other person not being perceived to be so wholly interested in us, will also affect the Alchemy. It is like an accelerator (practice to get closer to the person and bring them closer) and a brake (worried jealousy affects the Alchemy so take a break until jealousy is overcome) being applied at the same time, and that hurts. Contradictions hurt.

End (2699).

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