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Thursday 8 November 2018

The Mesmerising Power of the Serpent – (2700)

Snakes that Fascinate with a Glance

A very good friend of mine messaged me yesterday explaining how his father in law often spoke about, cases in the Spanish countryside, where snakes would often mesmerise birds so that they could strike so to eat them.

Obviously, birds are quick and difficult to catch so a mesmerising, hypnotic, fascinating ability would make catching one a very useful skill.

This is certainly not an isolated phenomena. Many legends and myths have spoken about the fascinating or mesmerising ability of snakes. Medusa (practically a giant snake) would turn those who looked at her to stone (permanently mesmerised), Kali the great serpent fascinates through fantasy her various victims, the legend and myths of the Basilisk who would kill with a single glance and the temping serpent of Eden are just to mention a few.

A Basilisk
Sex is very much like this, it powerfully fascinates and hypnotises…

Master Samael spoke about the sexual trance…

The hypnotic force of the ego is very much of the same hypnotising force of the kundabuffer, which we know is the sexual serpent within us projected downwards.

The hypnotic power of each ego, known also as the hypnotic grip is sexual in nature, but that sexual energy has ascended to the intellectual centre and has produced reasons and justifications. The power these reasons have over us comes from the amount of sexual force or energy that has become trapped in that ego or was used to form and strengthen that ego.

All of our egos are created with sexual energy and so the hypnotic grip of any ego comes from our sexual energy. That is from the serpent. 

Snakes are also very astute, and it is precisely he sexual force that makes us wise or very astute in evil.

Enchanted Cobras

How amazing is that phenomena of the snake charmer. How a man playing a special flute like instrument causes a terribly powerful and venomous cobra to rise vertically out a small basket as if it were like dancing and ascending at the same time, according to the flute. Its instincts of attack are all but subdued. It is passive and sways delightfully to the music played by the charmer.

This tells us something special - that snakes can indeed mesmerise, but they can also be mesmerised as well, but by a higher force.

In this case, making an analogy to sex, the spirit, the work, the essence can control and charm the sexual force so that it can be caused to ascend. If left to itself it will follow its nature, which is that of volatility, just as would a snake without the charming music being played.

It is the merits of the heart Master Samael says, that actually cause the serpent to ascend within the person. So there we go, the yearning, the honesty, the genuine love for the Being and the work enchant the fiery serpent and cause it to ascend up the spinal column.

So we all have a serpent dwelling within, and always always, the pertinent question is how are we relating to that serpent?

End (2700).

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