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Monday 3 December 2018

A Memory is Central to an Ego - (2718)

Central to Structure

Many egos have a particular sensation central to their structure. While other egos have the memory of a feeling as central to their structure.

In both cases - if we were to remove the memory or we if forget that central sensation or feeling, these egos "shake at the knees".

Lust, laziness, selfishness, fear etc. are examples of such egos that have memory as central to their structure.

A fornicator for example, is driven by the memory of loosing the sexual energy. If that person were to forget the sensation and feeling then that ego would be severely handicapped.

Obviously the central memory is registered in the person as something positive or negative for the person. Positive registering causes desire and negative registering causes avoidance or fear.

Working Memory

In our work with memory, to firstly know that there is a memory central to the structure of an ego, and it is this memory that is driving that ego's desires, helps us to work seriously on an ego.

Once we know the above we can begin to deliberately not entertain that memory.

After not giving ourselves to remember that memory we will be able to see that indeed it is the trigger for the desire process and the main goal the trapped will of the ego drives towards.

One will then come to understand that more work has to be done. When one delves deeper one will understand that it is actually not the memory but it is the effect of the memory and the thoughts and emotions that the memories have built up in us, that affect us.

It is these 'memory effect structures' that we must dissolve.

If we remember without thought and emotion there is no problem. But the problem is that when we remember thoughts and emotions are generated that start an egoic process in us.
If we meditate on what the memory has built up in us we can help ourselves out a weakening and dissolving that ego.

End (2718).

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