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Tuesday 4 December 2018

Law of Pendulum at Work In Us – (2619)


The Law of the Pendulum is at work in nearly every aspect of human nature. To such an extent, that Master Samael said that it is behind the many events of history.

It appears to govern the rhythms of our thoughts, feelings and actions. It manifests itself through our three brains, however its seat is not in the three brains but deeper within us, within our psyche.

It causes new initiatives and projects to rise out of nothing and to disappear back to nothing. It is present in our emotions, we like or love today but not tomorrow. 

It is in fact part of our lunar nature. Observe how the moon and its phases correspond to the phases of pendular movement. Each ego in its manifestation is also a pendulum. Each obeys the pendulum in its intensity of manifestation. Thanks goodness otherwise we would die.

To Know Ourselves

It is very helpful to know about this law in detail. To know this law is to know ourselves.

Knowing this law in detail takes us to know much about our own mechanical nature, which of course is one which we must sooner or later surpass, to embrace a higher law which is the continuity of purposes governed by conscious will.

The goal here is to surpass this law by arriving at balance, and using balance to arrive at balance. Get it? Nah! Don’t worry you will, just read on…


There are roughly three phases of the pendulum. They are:

1.Stationary (Equilibrium)
3.Momentary Pause (Extremes)

Stationary and in Equilibrium

The pendulum is at rest right at the very centre. There it rests in balance and in stability. The central point is neither of one side or the other.

At the centre all forces within the system are in balance. This condition can be maintained indefinitely unless an outside force disturbs the play of forces, or one of the forces grows or shrinks in magnitude.

Balance within us is the conscious conclusion of the contrast of the two opposites. With the conscious comprehension of both sides balance results, which is neither one side or the other but a wise combination of both. Balance is the living truth about something within us. The truth is what lies above time and holds true no matter how many ages and cycles of time pass.

At the centre, in balance the pendulum defies time, it remains as it is, in the same position irrespective of time. When it begins to move then the pendulum enters into a state of flux and time begins. Observe how a moving pendulum maps out time. Central to each clock and watch whether analogue or digital, there is a pendulum in motion.

Therefore, defeating the pendulum begins when we contrast within our mind the two opposites. That is two opposite mental positions or thoughts of opposite content or quality.

The movement of the pendulum is the mind and the stationary balance pint is the conscious resting at decision and convict ion of the heart and consciousness. Note, how the mind vacillates from positive to negative when having to make a decision. We are on one side then on the other until we tire and just blindly decide or the heart speaks with timeless wisdom...

For the pendulum to move, an imbalance in the forces at play in the system of the pendulum, must occur. It is worth noting that an upward force would not cause the pendulum to swing but only a horizontal force that comes from one side or the opposite side. That is a force in duality will cause the movement, but a force outside of duality does not.


An external force or stimulus is required to cause the pendulum to move. The pendulum always begins its movement from the central stationary point.

Within us this stimulus could be a teaching, advice, a retreat, an event, an impression, a book, a lecture, a conversation with a friend, a dream, a failure, a disappointment, etc.

In other words, some new energy or force meets our inner system and disturbs our balance or the way we are.

A pendulum has a circular motion, it traces out a semi-circle. Implying that it is related to time and recurrence. Time is a circle and recurrence is also a circle. Karma is also round.

Obviously pendular movement is repetitious and cyclical and subsequent cycles serve to balance out errors or imbalances made in the previous cycle. Hence pendular movement opens up the possibility of karma. While balance is no movement and therefore no karma nor time. Karma always works in time and space. As the pendulum moves it moves in time and space. When stationary in balance it does not cause or effect in time nor in space.

A pendulum moves or swings in two directions only. Which is precisely duality, the opposites, the two positions of ‘for’ or ‘against’. Each ego has two sides, a positive and negative side. Often, we move cyclically between the two sides of the same ego.

Once the pendulum moves it will inevitably swing in the opposite direction. In our case something that inspires or disappoints causes our pendulum to move, though later the momentum of the effect of that impression in us will wane and we will revert to the way we were before and even a touch worse or better than we were before.

As it moves away from its central stationary point it accelerates then decelerates as gravity pulls down on it retarding its upward motion. Hence bringing us to the next phase – a pause at the extreme.
Momentary Pause (Extremes)

Here when the pendulum pauses at either extreme is where we can make a mistake. We can think that we have arrived at victory. 

For example, we maybe dealing with an ego of drinking and then after having drunken so much the body or the ego is tired and rests. In that pause of the pendulum or rest we may think we have overcome the that ego. We are very wrong it is just a short-lived phase in the mechanics of the movement of the pendulum.


The law of the pendulum in the end gives us no shape and little results. Because each time a result is gained the pendulum in its opposite swing undoes what we have achieved. The law of the pendulum is anti-progress and deceives us thinking we have done something, meanwhile we are the same.

The opposite law is the continuity of purpose. This law is embraced over the law of pendulum by finding the heart and by causing our system to adapt to a new octave using balance,. That is by taking small steps that are balanced or aligned with nature and our own reality. Remember nature does not advance in great leaps. 

Contrasting the two opposites and rising above the two extremes frees us from its power over us, in that it stops controlling our mind and emotion. Consistent action is the result of balance.

End (2618).

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