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Monday 10 December 2018

Application of Ego Remedies is the Education to Replace the Egos – (2737)

Remedy is the Essence Functioning

If we stumble upon the precise remedy for a given ego we can know how the essence functions in response to an impression or event of life where the ego would normally take charge.

Each ego has its particular remedy.

In general the remedy for every ego is remembering the Being. However, there are particular remedies for each ego that direct the essence directly to the heart of the issue.

Those particular remedies are a particular remembering of the Being.

The Being in ourselves is known through its qualities. And also functions in us through Its qualities and heals and helps us through Its qualities, as well as educates us through Its qualities.

Remedy and Remembering the Being

When we are scared remember trust and evoke trust in yourself. Remembering your inner Being through trust. Sending trust to your inner Being. Filling yourself with trust in your inner Being.

When lust is in the human machine, the remedy is to remember the sexuality of the Being which is transmutation. If we then transmute while integrating with that transmuted energy and making an effort to go deeper and further upward in ourselves we remedy lust.

Applying the remedy through remembering the Being is the most effective way of applying the remedy.

Some Remedies

Lust – Transmutation physically and psychologically.

Pride – balance or justice

Fear – Trust

Jealousy - Trust

Envy – Happiness for the success of others and trust

Greed and Gluttony – Moderation and contentment with what is needed

Laziness – Transmutation and diligence

Self-Love – Love for the Being

Self-Importance – Love for the Being

Selfishness – Love for the Being

Anger – intelligent re-direction of energy

End (2737).


  1. Thank you your blog posts are very much appreciated. I remember listening to a talk on how changing the center of the human machine can also help i.e. for self compassion going for a walk (motor center).

    1. Certainly right about that. Changing centres is a natural remedy that helps no end at times.
