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Sunday 9 December 2018

Nirioonosiano – (2734)


Everything has a key note, including us human beings and the Earth. The planets also have their key note and emit a particular tone.

The key note of the Earth has an esoteric name which is Nirioonosiano. If we had a true Aya-Atapan and we summed all 49 notes together we would get the key note of the Earth.

Master Samael says that we can actually hear the sound of the Earth’s keynote. He says that it vibrates in brain. It is the same sound as what a cricket makes.

He says that we can do some very interesting things with that sound. But first we must find it. This is a very practical excerpt.

Translated English Excerpt

"Those 49 notes were given by the AYA-ATAPAN, and those 49 notes and the synthesis of those 49 notes, is the NIRIOONOSIAN sound. That NIRIOONOSIAN sound is the note synthesis of the Earth, which vibrates here in the cerebellum of each one of you. If you lie down at night, silently; if you suspend your thoughts, if your mind is quiet and silent and intends to listen to what is happening inside your cerebellum, you will feel a very subtle sound, which is the sound of the cricket or "grasshopper"; that little sound is the NIRIOONOSIAN sound. If you learn to listen to it, you can also learn to raise its volume at will, and when you learn to raise the volume, the doors of perception will open. If you manage to raise the volume of that sound, then, when it is resonating, you get out of your bed, and you will be able to do it with extraordinary ease and you will be able to travel, thus, out of the body, to the most remote places on Earth (with the essence you can travel). Those who have the Astral Body, will be able to travel with their Astral Body; those who have not yet made it will travel with the Essence; the Essence will allow you to get in touch with all the corners of the Universe. But you have to handle that keynote; there is only one instrument that gives those 49 notes. The piano, the violin, the harp, are but degenerations of that great instrument that those two brothers, Initiates of ancient China, managed to create ...

I knew those Mysteries, my dear brothers; the Mysteries of the Order of the Yellow Dragon.

I had an existence in China (or several existences), but in one of those many, in which I called myself Chou-Li, in which I belonged to the Chou dynasty, I knew the Mysteries of music and colour, and I knew the SEVEN JEWELS OF THE YELLOW DRAGON. I have received an order from the LOGOS to teach, to those who are emerging, and are sympathetic, that ancient doctrine by which one could untangle the Essence (at will) to experience the Truth ... Is there any other question? "

Original Spanish Excerpt

“Esas 49 notas las daba el AYA-ATAPAN, y esas 49 notas y la síntesis de esas 49 notas, es el sonido NIRIOONOSIANO. Ese sonido NIRIOONOSIANO es la nota síntesis de la Tierra, vibra aquí en el cerebelo de cada uno de ustedes. Si ustedes se acuestan en la noche, silenciosamente; si ustedes suspenden sus pensamientos, si la mente de ustedes queda quieta y en silencio y se proponent escuchar qué ocurre dentro de su cerebelo, sentirán un sonido muy sutil, que es el sonido ese del “chapulín”, del grillo; ese sonidito es el sonido NIRIOONOSIANO. Si ustedes aprenden a escucharlo, también podrán aprender a levantarle el volumen a voluntad, y cuando aprendan a levantarle el volumen, entonces las puertas de las percepciones estarán abiertas. Si ustedes logran levantarle el volumen a ese sonido, y luego, cuando esté resonando, se levantan de su cama, podrán hacerlo con una facilidad extraordinaria y podrán viajar, así, fuera del cuerpo, hacia los lugares más remotos de la Tierra (la Esencia de ustedes podrá hacer su viaje). Los que tengan Cuerpo Astral, podrán viajar con su Cuerpo Astral; los que todavía no lo hayan fabricado, viajarán con la Esencia; la Esencia les permitirá ponerse en contacto con todos los rincones del Universo. Pero hay que manejar esa nota clave; sólo hay un instrumento que da esas 49 notas. El piano, el violín, el arpa, no son sino degeneraciones de ese gran instrumento que aquellos dos hermanos, Iniciados de la antigua China, lograron crear...

Yo conocí esos Misterios, mis queridos hermanos; los Misterios de la Orden del Dragón Amarillo.

Yo tuve una existencia en China (o varias existencias), pero en una de esas tantas, en que me llamé Chou-Li y en la que pertenecí a la dinastía Chou, conocí los Misterios de la música y del color, y conocí las SIETE JOYAS DEL DRAGÓN AMARILLO. He recibido orden del LOGOS para enseñar, a los que vayan surgiendo, a los comprensivos, esa doctrina antigua mediante la cual uno podia desembotellar la Esencia (a voluntad) para experimentar la Verdad... ¿Hay alguna otra pregunta?”

End (2734).

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