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Sunday 9 December 2018

Aya-Atapan - (2733)


These two posts are for you J.M – the RSM (Retreat Sound Man).

Master Samael says that the mother of all instruments is the Aya-Atapan. Moreover, the universe makes 49 sounds or notes or tones.

These 49 notes are intimately related to the 49 levels of our own mind and these 49 tones, sounds or notes were actually played by the very ancient instrument called the Aya-Atapan, of which the modern day harp is the closest relative.

See the below excerpt taken from page 1153 from the “El Quinto Evangelio”. V.M Samael Aun Weor.

Translated English Text

“The AYA-ATAPAN is an instrument that was invented by two initiate twin brothers, in ancient China. They discovered that the Universe had 49 notes and they developed a precious instrument with which many elements entered into activity. Actually, all music instruments are nothing but degenerations or involutions of the AYA-ATAPAN. They did experiments such as the following: making that instrument that produced 49 notes to vibrate, they then made it to act on many things; they began by making it to act on an octave, for example, from DO to SI: they made for example that a coloured ray light from the solar prism being acted upon by the musical notes of an octave change colour.

They learned how to get negatives *(as in slides) out of the Solar Prism.

Currently the only thing people know is the Prism, but they know it in its negative aspect.

Those wise men knew how to extract the positive from the Solar Prism and used the seven fundamental colours to do many experiments. Among those, for example, a certain colour was passed through the Prism (in its positive form) onto a piece of bamboo, and the piece of bamboo was dyed immediately some colour. The blue colour (in its positive form) let’s say, was shone onto opium and the opium immediately changed its chemical characteristics. The notes of the musical scale acting on the colours of the Prism, in their positive form, made those colours to change, according to the musical scale. So, then, the Sacred Law of Heptaparaparshinock combines sounds and colours together.

Presently people do not know the Prism in its positive aspect; they know it only in his negative aspect. If they knew the Prism in its positive aspect, they would do wonders with the seven colours of the Solar Prism. And if they learned to handle the 49 notes, they would become masters of the Universe. Those 49 notes were given by the AYA-ATAPAN, and those 49 notes and the synthesis of those 49 notes, is the sound NIRIOONOSIAN. That NIRIOONOSIAN sound is the synthesis note of the Earth, that vibrates here in the cerebellum in each one of you.”

Original Spanish Text

“El AYA-ATAPAN es un instrumento que inventaron dos hermanos Iniciados, gemelos, en la antigua China. Ellos descubrieron que el Universo tenía 49 notas y elaboraron un instrument precioso. Ahí entraban en actividad muchos elementos. Actualmente, todos los aparatos de música no son sino degeneraciones o involuciones del AYA-ATAPAN. Ellos hicieron experimentos como el siguiente: haciendo vibrar ese instrumento que daba 49 notas, pues, actuaron sobre muchas cosas; empezaron a actuar sobre una octava, por ejemplo, desde el DO hasta el SI: hacían pasar, por  ejemplo, un rayo coloreado del Prisma Solar a través de las notas musicales y cambiaba de color.

Ellos aprendieron a sacarle la diapositiva al Prisma Solar.

Las gentes actuales lo único que conocen es el Prisma, pero lo conocen en su aspecto negativo.

Aquellos sabios supieron sacarle la positiva al Prisma Solar y utilizaron los siete colores fundamentales para hacer muchos experimentos. Entre esos, por ejemplo, se hizo pasar un color determinado del Prisma (en su forma positiva) sobre un pedazo de bambú y el pedazo de bambú se tiñó de inmediato con algún color. Se hizo pasar, dijéramos, el color azul (en su forma positiva) sobre el opio y el opio cambió inmediatamente sus características químicas. Se combinaron las notas de la escala musical con los colores del Prisma, en su forma positiva, y esos colores cambiaron, de acuerdo con la escala musical. Así, pues, los colores y también la Ley Sagrada del Heptaparaparshinock se combinan; los sonidos y los colores están combinados.

La gente actual no conoce el Prisma en su aspecto positivo; lo conoce únicamente en su aspecto negativo. Si conocieran el Prisma en su aspecto positivo, harían maravillas con los siete colores del Prisma Solar. Y si aprendieran a manejar las 49 notas, se harían amos del Universo. Esas 49 notas las daba el AYA-ATAPAN, y esas 49 notas y la síntesis de esas 49 notas, es el sonido NIRIOONOSIANO. Ese sonido NIRIOONOSIANO es la nota síntesis de la Tierra, vibra aquí en el cerebelo de cada uno de ustedes.”

End (2733).

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