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Wednesday 5 December 2018

Chastity Developed and Continued… - (2722)


Chastity as mentioned before is the name to describe the action within our three realities of transforming the dense into the subtle.

It is not only about sexuality. It concerns many other aspects of life, but it’s most common use is of course within sexuality.

It is developed, appreciated and embraced when we apply ourselves to it and gain small victory after small victory.


We start to develop it when we through an inner conscious decision decide to focus on the energy involved in desire and begin to make efforts to lift that energy up and out of that desire towards our interior.


This all implies physical work, psychological effort and esoteric effort. Physical effort is healthy activity, breathing, vocalising a mantra of transmutation. Psychological effort is recognition of a psychological “I” involved, psychological separation (knowing the psyche does not need sex but the body has to transmute). Esoteric effort is prayer and remembering the Being.


The result of chastity is that contentment and a calming victorious (spiritually satisfying) peace is produced inside oneself.

Continue and Continue

This must continue and continue all the time so that this quality or rather inner action becomes fixed into our inner functioning. That way our inner Being can trust us so that the It can when the appropriate conditions are present, can awaken the fire and begin the path within us. Without this quality being present any attempt of our inner Being to start the path will fail.

End (2722).

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