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Wednesday 5 December 2018

Hypnotic Apparitions Caused by Desire - (2721)

Behind Apparitions

Desire is behind many psychological apparitions. For example, becasue we desire money we think that a rich person will give us some money without even knowing us. Because we really like and desire to own a Ferrari we think that the owner of a Ferrari just seeing us admiring his or her car will give it to us or let us drive it. We desire a person and then we think that that person likes us and will approach us just becasue we are there in front of them.

Totally Unrealistic

How all totally unrealistic and hypnotized we are to think this way.

This is directly the hypnotic effect of desire. Desires causes many apparitions and erroneous ways of thinking within us.

A desert mirage

Desire Behind Dreams

This also the reason behind so many unrealistic dreams that we have while asleep at night, where all becasue we have desire, we dream that we are going to come across lots of money, acquire a Ferrari and marry a person that in reality has not shown much interest in us.


To know this is big help. With this knowledge we can actually stop falling victim to these apparitions. An apparition is something that appears true but actually is not.

When we work desire we see things clearly and as they are in reality.

End (2721).

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