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Tuesday 18 December 2018

Dreams and the Silver Cord – (2762)


When we dream or rather travel into the astral world with either just our essence or in our astral body what we see, hear and experience is transmitted through our silver cord to our physical body, principally to our physical brain.

This is so that we have the memory of what we experienced in our physical brain.

However, it so turns out that because of the ego it is convenient that upon waking, the jolt of returning to the physical body disturbs the connection between the body and the silver cord and the delicate memory of our dreams are disturbed somewhat, and makes the memory of our dreams not so vivid so that they are forgotten and not acted upon. In many cases thank God this is the case.

Silver Cord Connections

The silver cord is definitely connected to our physical brain and the centres of our human machine.
The messages from the astral flow down the silver cord into our brain and we feel these impressions in our centres and in our body. Because of receiving erotic impressions in the astral these impressions pass down to the physical brain and they excite the sexual centre, and this can be dangerous where a nocturnal pollution in a man or woman can occur.

It is said that the silver cord is linked to the physical body at the points of the brain, the heart, the solar plexus and to the liver.

The silver cord in these regards provides us with a unity in all of our bodies and experiences. It links essence to the astral and physical and it links the astral and physical bodies together.


It is a great unifier of bodies, essence and Being.

End (2762).

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