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Tuesday 18 December 2018

Life and Death and the Silver Cord – (2763)

Our physical life and death all depends on the silver cord.

Master Samael says that an Angel of life is the one that impulses a leading sperm cell of the Father to be to find the egg within the mother to be, and then once the sperm cell and the egg meet the Angle connects the silver cord of an essence to the meeting of those elements.

Just as we leave the physical body for good, at the precise moment of our last exhalation an Angel of death severs the silver cord.

A person maybe in an unresponsive state - almost like dead but because the silver cord is still intact the body breathes and the heart beats. This is because the force of the essence sustains. The fire and life of the essence sustains it that way. As soon as that link is severed the body will die.

It can be still that the body is so damaged that it can not function and yet the silver cord is intact. Later on though, an Angel of death will come along and cut the cord, freeing the essence from the physical body.

Lobsang Rampa says that dying actually takes 3 days, which may apply to these cases where the body is too broken to function and the silver cord is still intact, until the third ay where it I severed.

The three main causes of death are: physical trauma, disease and old age. In these cases the physical body stops functioning and the cord may not be cut until after three days.

End (2763).

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